Protect Against EMF

Protect Against EMF; which is also like radiation. It is associated with electrical power lines. Along with different forms of natural and man-made lighting. We need to Protect Against EMF. In our homes, our cars, at our jobs, and mostly for ourselves. For Our Health.

Causes Of EMF

EMFs are called “Electromagnetic Frequencies” and “Fields”. Some say “Electromagnetic Radiation” (or EMRs). Now, we have modern technologies bombarding us with lower frequency. Even man-made electromagnetic radiation. It has huge levels that people, have never experienced before. All coming from: “Smart Meters”, WIFI, Cell Towers, high voltage power lines. Above and below ground. We have transformers, cell phones, and household appliances. The ones that are electrical and the electricity users. You know what I am talking about. Now we have 5G. We all need to protect against EMF.

Electromagnetic fields are invisible areas of energy. Produced by electricity. Electric fields are produced by a voltage that is run through an electrical wire, while magnetic fields are produced by the current flowing through electrical wires. When the interaction of an electric and magnetic field. They create an electromagnetic field.

Some individuals have blamed low levels of exposure to electromagnetic fields on their homes, jobs, and anything that they are associated with every day. Some symptoms include headaches, anxiety, even suicide, and depression. I am surprised by that. There were also people who felt nausea, fatigue, and Insomnia. There are more over-exposure symptoms than these.

Protecting Ourselves Against EMF


Did you know that the number 1 source of low-EMF radiation is Cell phones? They are one of the biggest. We have our phones usually on our bodies or within 1 or 2 feet of us at all times. The EMFs from cell phones produce aren’t the only issue we have. They can also be a traffic hazard. And they cause eye strain when you use them excessively. Everyone needs to reduce their cell phone use. Therefore reduces exposure to EMFs.

There is really no way to avoid EMF exposure. At least, in this new age of technology that we live in. We need to change the things we do. To help from the potential harm, from the constant exposure we are receiving. We can bring into our homes, scientific knowledge and technology to protect against EMF. And now, a wearable, protection against EMF around us.

Why Wear Protection From EMF?

Electronic devices are becoming more and more important in our lives. Nonetheless, making life easier, may also cause several health issues. Electromagnetic fields are not only produced by electricity, but also by the Earth’s magnetic field and other natural phenomena. Man-made or produced by nature. Also, EMFs can also be classified as generating low levels. Or high levels of radiation. We found out that EMF sources produce high levels of radiation, or ionizing radiation, including ultraviolet rays. From the sun, there are x-rays, and of course gamma rays. Sources of low-level radiation, or non-ionizing radiation. Research has found the effects of EMF radiation from technology. Has proven to negatively impact human health.  

A Bio hack Solution For a Health Concern

At the cellular level, your body is electric. We also found that the Cells in your body communicate using microscopic electric signaling. How is that? This is how your nervous system functions. You might have slight changes in the polarization of your cells. Which can lead to significant chemical changes in your body.

Tuün™, is a wearable bio-hack necklace. It has Biohacking Enhancement Technology that is designed to help you stay protected. From electromagnetic fields (EMFs) and with all the stressors. That is ever-present in today’s technology world.

Tuün™ Resonate forms an atmosphere of protection. Allowing you to stay safe within all the radiating fields around us. This awesome design can bring you balance and harmony. You need your mind and your body to stay in sync. This has the finest in the latest scientific advancements. And the fundamental principles of nature and the Earth. Here is a way to help you feel and be at your best, Protecting you against EMF.

Grounding Yourself With Protection Against EMF

When you ground yourself with Mother Earth. You feel more grounded within yourself. How do you feel when you walk on the sand at the beach? The Earth’s surface has electrons. So by walking barefoot outside, lying on the ground, or simply being in nature. You are grounding yourself. Earthing is a form of great healing from our great planet. It realigns your electrical energy by reconnecting you with the Earth. The necklace Tuün,™ is designed to enhance the effects of earthing/grounding yourself to bring balance back within. It can help you sleep while providing relief from constant stress. The tension, and fatigue we feel every day. You can wear your pendant or carry it in your pocket. You will notice a more relaxing feeling. I did. You can even put it under your pillow when you sleep. Keep it close. See the difference. Feel the difference. Why not get yours and see for yourself?
