Dog Farts-Flatulence

All Dog Fart – Flatulence is a normal symptom of their digestive system. Processing something they ate. But, when there is too much flatulence. It can be linked to a poor diet or an underlying health condition.

Dog Farts
Did I do that?

You know, most dogs like to eat almost anything and everything in their sight. Does yours? Dog Farts Flatulence is only natural. Every dog has these smelly farts that are and can be killers. But, it could be a BIG issue. When they fart, they act like they did nothing. Here comes your fur baby. She does not want to be alone. So your friends and you have her around all the time. Even Smelly farts are with you and your friends. No big deal right? Then, the silent killer. Urgh! You know it came from your dog. Get the fix?

Blame The Dog

Everyone blames the dog for those rotten smelly farts. Even when it’s you or someone else doing the dirty deed. What happens when there is a legitimate problem with dog fart flatulence. If your fur baby is constantly having this issue, there could be a big problem. Maybe, you might need to take your fur baby to the vet. Do you have one? Here is a picture of mine.

Let’s Fight

The fight against dog farts is on its way; It will cut down on those smelly dog farts. They even have items for humans. So your fats don’t smell. Are you in? Gas can build up when your dog swallows a large amount of air when she or he eats their food. That is my fur baby. She swallows air when she eats. There are different types of foods that can make dogs and us-people fart. Those dog farts’ flatulence are due to the foods they eat. For instants, like beans, cabbage, cauliflower, and soybeans. There are others. But, it all depends on the dog or the person. These foods are highly fermentable. And that is why they Fart.

My Dog

I have one. She is a really good dog. Except when we go to bed. She comes and lays next to us. She would put her but like, in our faces. All good until she lets one loose. A fire one. We had to leave the room. Just so I can get the Lysol spray or whatever I have in the cabinet. She did her killer dog farts. I have just the remedy for that. My vet recommended these chews. They contain all-natural ingredients that safely filter out smelly particles. From our dog’s gas issues. These chews do their thing during digestion, leaving it odor-free for up to 12 hours! It is a chew that you give your dog. It lasts for about 12 hours. That way when you have guest comes over. No more emptying out the room. How about that? Would you like that? Need this? Come see.

For Dog Farts

Your dog needs good gut health, which is what leads to fart reduction in your dogs. You know that Excessive and smelly gas is most often caused by fermentation in your dog’s digestive system. This happens when your dog breaks food down in his gut. Whenever there are too much bacteria. Those Microorganisms, or yeast in his microbiome. Thus, your fur baby will have excess gas. And you know, that gas has gotta go somewhere, right? You just get to be the lucky person of all your baby’s nasties farting out. A healthy dog’s gut, will have a good balance of helpful bacteria. No smelly farts.

My Baby

Love You, Mom

In general, you should not give feed them your food. Here is a good idea to just say no to table scraps. Human food, including spicy foods, can cause dog farts. So, if you’ve been feeding your fur babies from the table. Please do not do that. How about those treats? They might have been going straight to his butt. It’s a good idea to avoid feeding your fido table scraps as a general rule. Some Dog treats are another fartie culprit. So, don’t give your fur baby too many dog treats, as this can lead to gas buildup in the digestive tract.

What goes in, must come out after all! Go see for yourself. You will be happy that you did. Your dog’s health and your own nose. Dog Farts-Flatulence is a great way to be happy and your dog. That way you do not yell at them. Ha Ha.

They even have one for us humans. Check it out…..